Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Exit Interview

  EQ: How can a social worker best help a child recover from an abusive situation? 
  1. Ensure the child attends group therapy sessions
  2. Remove the child from the abusive environment
  3. Involve the child and their family in therapy, which includes occasional social worker visits.
My best answer is removing the child from the abusive environment since a child wouldn't feel truly safe in their own homes and won't be able to build healthy relationship with the people that harmed them.
The process that I went through to find these answers were extensive.  I went to old cases and talked to people who went through child abuse and saw how they've grown up and then I interviewed children in juvie who had a history of child abuse and understand how they ended up where they were.  My mentor helped me find these resources to get to them and she helped me find my second answer.
 My first mentor and I encountered a problem I was volunteering at the House of Ruth.  It was my first day and I was in charge of taking care of the children. A man came in and started to invade the home a d grabbed his wife from the hair and started to drag her from the home. I couldn't deal with that and I told my mentor and I apologized.  I ended up with no mentor for a couple of weeks. She understood I had problem with this sort of situation and assured me that it didn't happen in their private company.
 My significant sources were PDF File Hansen, Susan. "Kids Together Child and Adolescent Group Therapy Program: Evaluating a Therapeutic Change Process.", DIETER BRADBURY, Staff W. "DHS' ZEAL IN TAKING CHILDREN CRITICIZED A New Study Finds Maine is Sixth in the Nation in Removing Kids from Troubled Homes, Overloading its Foster-Care System.", and10 PDF File DePanfilis, Diane. Child Neglect: A Guide for Prevention, Assessment, and

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